21 March 2025
School Motto
From the Principal
From the Assistant Principal
2025 School Calendar
School Uniforms
Middle School News
Liya Djambutj News
Art News
Phys Ed & Health News
Senior School News
Music Instrumental Program
Dawurr News
Clontarf News
RTP - Responsible Thinking Process
2025 - Research Challenge Flyer
School Motto

From the Principal
Parent teacher interviews and student led conferences
On Tuesday March 25, parents have the opportunity to meet with their children’s teachers to discuss progress throughout this term. Bookings are open on Compass or you can call the office to get assistance with booking a time. This year, we will still be having the Student Led Conference for students in Years 7-9 but we ask parents of students in these year levels to make a booking with at least one of your child’s teachers. This will help to ensure that teachers and parents are available at the same time to reduce waiting.
Food will be provided on the evening with the Senior Food class led by Ms Nunn preparing to cook up some meals to share with those who attend interviews. Teachers and students from Gunyangara will also be sharing a lunch and conducting student led conferences on Thursday afternoon.
Please try to set aside some time and make a booking to meet with your child’s teacher on the Tuesday night. If you are unable to attend or a teacher you wish to see is not available, please contact teachers via Compass or the Office to make an alternative time to discuss your child’s progress.
Electronic bikes and scooters
Riding an e-bike or scooter can be a fun and efficient way to get to school, but it's important to prioritize safety at all times. Students who use this type of vehicle should always wear a helmet and follow the road rules. When entering the school premises, e-bikes and scooters should only be ridden on the road and then directly into the bike parking area. They should never be ridden on walkways, footpaths or across grass areas where they could come into contact with pedestrians.
We have had some near misses where riders have not recognised the power of their vehicles and have put themselves and other people in danger through their actions. We ask everyone to make sure they are riding cautiously so everyone gets to and from school safely every day.
NAPLAN and other assessments
Year 7 and Year 9 students have completed NAPLAN testing online throughout this week. Information on student performance in these assessments will be provided to the school and parents during Term 2.
Teachers in all classes have also been completing assessments in the past two weeks. You will be able to go onto Compass and see the grades and attitudes to learning assessments made by teachers next week. This information will also be collated and used to guide the teaching and learning program for the upcoming units of work.
Harmony Week
This week we observed Harmony Week at the school with a number of activities throughout the day on Friday. The celebrations included staff verse student games in the gym, the SRC cooking and sharing food for all students, damper and locally sourced seafoods cooked and shared, student dance performances, educational presentations and harmony themed quizzes conducted in classes. This was a great celebration of the many and varied ways that people live and interact respectfully with others.
School photos
Last week, we had The School Photographer Alliance in the school to take individual, class and group photos. While this made for a day with interruptions to classes and routines, it will be worth the effort when the finished products are available and distributed to families. Thanks to those who were able to get orders in on or before the day. If you would like to make additional orders, you can go online to https://www.theschoolphotographer.com.au/ to seek more information and place orders.
Certificate 2 in Cookery
We are fortunate to have Chef Rebecca from Quality Service Skills at the school during Weeks 8 to 10 of this term delivering a Certificate 2 in Cookery course. This is the first of two three-week blocks of the program which will equip students to be able to cook a range of dishes and manage themselves safely and hygienically in a commercial kitchen. Next week, there will also be the opportunity for another group of students to start the Certificate 2 in Building & Construction which will be delivered by a trainer from CDU over six weeks throughout the year. Apart from the life skills being learned and NTCET credits being achieved by completing these courses, students are also setting themselves up to be able to take advantage of many employment opportunities in the future.
Year 7 Fun Night
On Friday March 28, all Year 7 students are invited to come to the school in the evening to be part of the annual Fun Night which brings students together in a relaxing atmosphere to get to know each other and enjoy each other’s company. There will be a BBQ, games led by senior students, fire brigade hose games and glow in the dark soccer among other things. Students will bring home a note to be involved, and you can contact the office if you need more information about how your child can participate.
School Council AGM
On Thursday March 20, the School Council held its Annual General Meeting at 5:30pm in the Administration Building. We now have an established council with plans to move forward but still have opportunities for more parents to get involved. Please contact me at the school if you would like more information on what it takes to be a part of this important decision making body.
School Holidays
We are approaching the end of Term 1 which will be on Friday April 4. There is one week of holidays then students return to school on Tuesday April 15. We also have four public holidays in the first four weeks of term so the good routines and habits that have been formed will be very important to ensure that students are able to maintain the balance between their learning and enjoying the long weekends that are coming up.
Brad Madden
From the Assistant Principal
International Women’s Day
Nhulunbuy High School proudly celebrated International Women’s Day on Friday 7 March and was thrilled to donate $700 to support the local women’s shelter. Our Bake Sale was a huge success. We are incredibly proud and grateful for our wonderful school community, whose generosity and delicious baked goods made this donation possible. The day was complemented with an array of purple colours throughout the school (including school wear) and posters portraying influential and inspiring women.

School Psychologist
Kate McNeil
Assistant Principal
2025 School Calendar
The school calendar is available on Compass and parents can see what events the school is holding daily. The Big Calendar items are:
Term 1
Week 9 – Tuesday 25March – Parent teacher interviews/student led conferences
Week 9 – Tuesday 25March – Year 9/10/11/12 Immunisations
Week 10 – Friday 4 April – Last day of term 1
Term 2
Week 1 – Tuesday 15 April -Students return to school
Week 1 – Friday 18 April – Good Friday holiday
Week 2 – Monday 21 April – Easter Monday holiday
Week 2 – Friday 25 April – Anzac Day holiday
Week 4 – Monday 5 May – May Day holiday
School Uniforms
Please see the uniform items pictured below. These are now in stock or being ordered through the office. Students are required to be in full school uniform each day at school. While achieving this may take some time for some families, we will continue to give reminders and order items for students as required.
Middle School News
NHS Uniform
The majority of Middle School students are looking absolutely fantastic in the correct NHS uniform from top to toe! A reminder that our Uniform Policy requires NHS polo shirts and shorts to be worn. NHS hats and NHS hoodies are optional items. Crocs, slides or thongs are not permitted, and students may be excluded from certain activities if they do not wear correct footwear.

Schoolwide Positive Behaviours
A number of Middle School students have received acknowledgement of positive behaviour which aligns with our school values of Creativity, Pride and Respect. Certificates will be presented at assemblies and our top “Schoolwide Positive Behaviours” Compass points recipients have been rewarded with a special morning tea. I encourage all students to do their very best to abide by our values to ensure we can be part of a creative, proud and respectful school community.
Year 7 and 9 students have recently completed NAPLAN testing which is completed by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in Australia during this time. NAPLAN is an assessment of learning and individual reports will be delivered to parents and carers when available. The students were very respectful of the “test conditions” expected and gave their best effort during the different assessments.
Jane Utting
Senior Teacher, Middle Years
Liya Djambutj News
During week 5, students had the opportunity to head out on Country to harvest bark from Gadayka for painting. In the lead-up to this trip, students explored the cultural significance of Eucalyptus trees, learning how different First Nations communities across Australia use them for tools, medicine, and art.
With guidance from family members and elders in the community, students carefully selected and collected bark, deepening their understanding of bark harvesting and traditional practices. Cedric, one of our students, shared, “We went to Daliwuy to collect bark from the stringybark trees. I really liked cutting bark because it was fun, and I was able to help peel it off”
The experience was both rewarding and challenging, with students navigating the realities of working on Country, from the physical effort required to the need for awareness of their surroundings. “One challenge I had was stripping the bark because you got to look out for snakes, and you can get blisters on your hands” Cedric reflected.
After a big morning of hard work, we headed to Wathawuy (Latram) for a well-deserved lunch and swim. The cool water was the perfect way to refresh and reflect on the day’s experiences, with students sharing stories, laughing, and enjoying time together on Country.
Back in the classroom, students will now prepare the bark for painting, continuing their journey of learning through doing. Stay tuned to see their artwork come to life!

In Science, Liya Djambatj have been investigating the invisible world of microbes and cells by using microscopes to view and draw these. We have explored body systems and infectious diseases, modelling how an infectious disease can spread and be prevented with vaccinations.

Triny O’Brien, Ethan Jolley, Ash French, Leah Carroll
Art News

Our very own Nhulunbuy High School student Myah McSherry won an Art Prize in this competition.
Congratulations Myah!
Exit Art is a celebration of the talents and creativity of the next generation of artists and designers, presenting the very best contemporary art and design from Northern Territory Year 12 students.
Presented by the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in partnership with the Northern Territory Department of Education and Training, Exit Art reflects the diversity of the Territory’s artistic practice and practitioners, expressing universal themes of identity, place and the environment.
The finalists’ artworks represent a broad spectrum of media, ranging from captivating photography, immersive film, vivid paintings and innovative mixed media.
From schools in Darwin, Palmerston, Alice Springs, Katherine and Nhulunbuy, the finalists embody the next generation of visual artists, encapsulating boundless creativity and visionary expression. Themes include self-identity and culture, fantasy, politics and the environment.
Astrid Joyce
Art Teacher
Phys Ed & Health News
A great time was had by all at our annual Swimming Carnival held on Friday 24 February. Congratulations to all students, teachers and helpers who participated on the day to make the carnival such a success. Below are the individual and overall results.
Swimming Carnival 2025 | ||
Age Group | Champion | Runner-up |
U13 (F) | 37 (Poppi McGeoch) | 20 (Erin Smith) |
U14 (F) | 62 (Neve Gilbert) | 76 (Lara Cooper) |
U15(F) | 87 (Maisie Zochling) | 84 (Taylah Rees) |
U16 (F) | 130 (Rhiannon Rogers) | 161 (Bridie Arkcoll) |
144 (Tarni Petre) | ||
U17(F) | 175 (Haley Bevan) | 171 (Maddison Whitehouse) |
Open (F) | 212 (Jade Carr) | 223 (Lucy Mander) |
U13 (M) | 305 (Robert Bolton) | 307 (Xavier Blythe) |
U14 (M) | 358 (Benji Foley) | 354 (Samuel Georgonicas) |
U15(M) | 415 (Aaron Winter) | 421 (Amos Whyte) |
U16 (M) | ||
U17(M) | ||
Open (M) | 500 (Cooper Smythe) | 517 (Harry Rogers) |
747 | 560 | 648 |

Road Safety
Kyrra (Police School Officer) has been visiting our Middle School Health classes educating us on Road Safety. Students have been learning some tips and tricks on how to keep themselves safe while getting around in the community. We have had some fun and interactive lessons using some of the equipment from the police department, such as the speed gun. We even got to race the speed gun to detect how fast we were going. The fastest girl was Riri Yunupingu running at an awesome 27 km/h and the fastest boy was Abriel Redford running at an amazing 32 km/h.

Senior School News
Senior School Report
Students in the senior school have been working well over the past several weeks. There have been many positive reports from teachers about students working independently. We’ve also had a really great response to the new assessment policy and overall submissions of tasks has improved substantially from last year. This is wonderful news.
It was amazing to see our year 12 cohort together on school photo day. Only two and a half more terms for them to go!
This week also saw 10 of our senior students begin a Cookery certificate. Next week, another group of students will commence a Cert II in Construction Pathways. These are wonderful opportunities, and we’ll have photos ready to report to families in the next newsletter.

Oliver Friedmann
Senior Teacher, Senior Years
STARS Morning Tea International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day celebrations were held at NHS on Friday 7 March.
We were very fortunate to have four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (five including Kyrra, who was a busy woman and had to pop out) come and speak to our young women on their education and employment journeys. All women have a connection to members of our program and although unknown to each other, were delivering the same message through honesty and vulnerability. I hope our young Aboriginal women were able to take a sprinkle of empowerment and inspiration away from it.
NHS Stars would like to send a special thank you to Elenie Bromot, Tylah McSherry, Tara Craigie & Syreeta Mills. Thank you to the staff who were able to pop up and have a listen and grab a bite to eat. Special thanks to Natasha and Gemma for helping get everything together and assist with the food.
Chloe Yunupingu, Kitana Hector, Niyana Roberts-Long, Yanganydja Wanambi & Kinesha Yunupingu were all outstanding in helping bring our morning together. We love to see the girls stepping up and actively helping! 😊

Nhulunbuy Fire Station Visit
Nhulunbuy High School Year 7-9 Stars students attended a work site visit at the Nhulunbuy Fire Station. The students listened to the roles and responsibilities of a firefighter, were fortunate enough to have a look inside the fire truck, try on the firefighting gear and feel the weight of different safety apparatus followed by testing out the fire hose to cool down on a hot afternoon.

Lizzie Grantham
Program Coordinator
Music Instrumental Program
‘Manic’ is a band formed late last year at Nhulunbuy High School. They are influenced by Seattle Grunge music and bands such as Pearl Jam, Radiohead and Nirvana. The ‘Wicked’ movie night will be their first performance for the year, and they are very much looking forward to it. They perform a mix of originals and covers. The members are Bo Brady - guitarist and lead singer, Henry French - drummer and Amos Whyte - bass guitarist.

Mark Bleakley
NT Music School
Dawurr News
“The Dawurr boarders have been quite busy for the last couple of weeks with a variety of activities in Dawurr and out on country. The Seniors program has kicked off with great success, with students enhancing their leadership qualities and life skills. Some of the weekly activities have included cooking, cleaning, fishing, swimming, hunting and gathering. Once again basketball has proven to be extremely popular and a few boarders are starting to become more involved with Athletics. The Miyalk students have started their “Girls Group” with Fran and ran a successful car wash, earning themselves some nice spending money!

The term is beginning to wind down for our students and next week they will all return home to spend some much needed time with their family and friends. We wish them all a safe and enjoyable break and look forward to seeing them when they return after Easter.

Kiri Deegan
Head of Boarding
Brett Osborne
Assistant Head of Boarding
Clontarf News
Clontarf leadership Camp Week 4
50 Year 12 students from Clontarf Academies across the Northern Territory gathered in Darwin for their annual leadership camp, a key milestone as they embark on their final year of schooling. Academy members from Nhulunbuy, Jabiru, Katherine, Casuarina, Taminmin and Palmerston took part in the event, which celebrates their leadership and commitment to finishing Year 12.
Clontarf operates in 18 schools across the Territory, providing educational support and life skills to help young men succeed in school and beyond. During the camp, students had the opportunity to hear from Chief Executive, Susan Bowden, who spoke about the importance of supporting each other through this crucial stage of their journey.
Later in the day, they joined the greater Darwin community to commemorate the 83rd anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin. The students represented their Academies with pride, paying their respects to those who served and deepening their understanding of Darwin’s history.

Will Robinson
Darren Ewing
Program Coordinator
RTP - Responsible Thinking Process

2025 - Research Challenge Flyer